
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Dissatisfaction; Trend or Choice?
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
On this show…we are checking the emotional chart circling the face that closely describes how we’re feeling as we attempt to solve the conundrum about dissatisfaction; trend or choice? What do you think? Are you choosing to be dissatisfied, purposely turning your smile upside down, and avoiding any joy as you struggle to remain unhappy? Maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about and that’s great! It means you’re in the shrinking percentage of people who are actually satisfied with their life, personal, and professional. But if not, let’s get to the root of it. What gives?
Benjamin Franklin said, “Let thy discontents be thy secrets; if the world knows them ’twill despise thee and increase them.” I tend to agree. Discontentment can spread like a nasty infection. Someone who is mildly discontented needs little push over the edge to full-on dissatisfaction. And what does that get you? In my personal opinion, it makes a very large hole that is harder if not impossible, to crawl out of. Ever heard misery loves company? If the bandwagon passes by…let it pass instead of flagging it down.
First and foremost, happiness and satisfaction are conscious choices. Will there always be trials and tribulations? Of course, but “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whether you’re curious or frustrated by the situation that surrounds us, let’s take some time to figure some things out.
Nir Eyal answers Why It's So Hard to Ever Feel Satisfied found at psychologytoday.co
Matt Walsh explores why Gen Z Is Finding Out That Being An Adult Is Hard found at the dailywire.com
CHALLENGE: Feeling satisfied personally or professionally comes from within. Your perception of any situation directly affects your reality. Take time to trace the source of your dissatisfaction and change your situation by adjusting your perception.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Organizing Your Thoughts: Coming to Terms, Letting Go, and Making a Plan
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
On this show…we are attempting to clear out the clutter, find a place for the keep, and formulate a productive to-do as we work on organizing our thoughts; coming to terms, letting go, and making a plan. Do you find it difficult to concentrate on what truly matters when you’re overwhelmed with all the extra thoughts that flood your mind? How do you make space to focus? Most of the time we just move mental clutter from one corner to the next, neatly stack what we plan on getting to eventually, or cram another brain drawer with miscellaneous ideas we hope to sort out at some point. If any of this sounds familiar, keep listening. Don’t put off today what you think you will get to tomorrow.
Raise your hand if you’re carrying around a lot of useless information that you may or may never need to recall. Now, depending on where you are in your life, evaluate your brain’s hard drive to determine the bandwidth you’re working with. It may be time to do a data dump and reorganize your thoughts to make room for something new. It’s no secret that eventually, you run out of space. Let’s take some time to strategize a better way to organize your thoughts making the commitment to work through some unresolved issues and let go of harmful baggage we’ve been dragging around decade after decade. Deal?
Sarah Regan shares Steps To Let Go Of The Past & Actually Move Forward found at mindbodygreen.com
CHALLENGE: Invite in a trusted friend or professional to help you evaluate your thoughts. Instead of living with guilt, shame, and overwhelm, push back and be willing to take responsibility where you can and let go of what is no longer serving you.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Taking a Trip in Time: Revisit, Repair, or Research
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
On this show…we are rethinking the traditional getaway, vacay, or holiday instead, opting for a trip through time to revisit, repair, or even research what’s next. Sure, a condo at the beach never gets old, and visiting family during the holidays is essential but what else could your mind imagine? How about handing John Hancock the quill during the signing of the Constitution, working TSA for Charles Lindbergh's solo flight in 1927, or casting the first female vote after the 19th Amendment went into effect? Maybe your time travel would be more personal like another day with a loved one, a chance to tell an important person how you really feel, or the ability to right a wrong and change your past. You might be curious to see how the other folks live like traveling back to the pioneer days, the great depression, or maybe a trip into the future.
Whatever that looks like to you, let's take a moment and dream.
Over at onewithnow.com I found If You Could Go Back in Time, What Would You Change?
Johann N. Neem enlightens us with Connecting Past to Present: The History Major in Our Communities
CHALLENGE: Spend some time daydreaming about where, who, and especially, when. Explore your interests, research, and revisit a time period that is meaningful to you, and change your own ending by how you narrate your past, present, and future.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Why Encouragement, the Power Behind the Practice
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
On this show…we are taking a step back, looking for the deeper meaning, and reviewing how far we’ve come as we question, why encouragement, and the power behind the practice. I’m attempting to do this raw and unscripted, off the cuff, and from the heart. As I approach my 6th anniversary of the podcast, I thought it was a good idea to fill in some blanks and revisit how it all got started. So, if you’re listening and looking for encouragement, I hope this journey will inspire you to step out on your own path to self-discovery.
CHALLENGE: consider starting your own journey of self-discovery. Helping others starts with helping yourself. Dive in deep to learn what makes you, YOU and what, where, and how you want to grow.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Boundaries: What, Why, and How
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
On this show…we are checking our parameters, evaluating our relationships, and contemplating the need for self-preservation as we strive to understand boundaries; what, why, and how. Not sure if you need them? No worries, keep listening. Have them but not quite sure how to enforce them. Stay tuned because you’re in the right place. Boundaries, whether you set them and enforce them or you yourself are held back by them, are established to protect you or the person who implemented them. Setting healthy boundaries is crucial for various aspects of your life, including your mental and emotional well-being, relationships, and overall personal development. If you feel pushed, prodded, coerced, and manipulated, it may be time to stand your ground and clearly communicate what you will and will not tolerate.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase healthy boundary before but you might have been confused about what that means or why it’s important or not important to you. Healthy relationships in your life should be the goal but do those fall in your lap or are they cultivated? Both. Establishing boundaries in relationships sets the expectation of mutual respect. It helps others understand your limits and encourages them to respect those limits. How do you know you’re boundaries have been crossed if you don’t have them? Coming to an agreement with yourself about what you will and will not tolerate gives you a foundation for evaluating your current relationships. They allow you to make choices that align with your values and preferences rather than being constantly influenced by external pressures.
So open your mind and try to be objective and honest as we strive for a deeper understanding of boundaries.
Tamara Hill gives us 7 Red Flag Signs of Poor Boundaries found at psychcentral.com
At TalkSpace.com I got some advice I want to share on “How to Set Boundaries With a Narcissist”
CHALLENGE: Communicate to yourself and others that you value your own needs, feelings, and limits enough to set impenetrable parameters. Prioritize self-care and self-improvement without feeling guilty to help you make better decisions that align with your goals and values.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Understanding Tension, Professionally and Personally
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
On this show…we aren’t ducking our heads, crawling in a hole, or wishing we were invisible instead, we’re searching to understand tension both professionally and personally. Even the word tension elicits a tense physical response. No one in their right mind enjoys conflict and bad feelings but issues left unaddressed, become just that. You might feel challenged, unheard, overlooked, or even belittled but will defending every imagined injustice create harmony at work or at home? My guess is no. Ever heard the phrase “pick your battles”? While the context is about picking battles that you can actually win it can also refer to being selective and keeping the peace.
I for one, hate to be in a bad mood. Avoiding eye contact, tip-toeing around, and giving the silent treatment. It’s an exhausting game that I’m just no good at. On the flip side of that coin, I hate conflict! If there is a chance what I have to say might hurt your feelings or cause you any stress, I’m avoiding it like the plague. As a result, I tend to conform, get over it, let go, and move on. Is that the answer, not at all but it is something I’m working on.
What do you do when you’re faced with a tense moment that is causing you stress? What is your go-to reaction and is it something that is working or something you’re working on?
Let’s dig in to understand the different nuances of tension to find some helpful strategies we incorporate at home and in our workplace.
Jill E. Daino shares more on Emotional Stress: Signs, Symptoms & Coping Tips found at talkspace.com
On the Brainy Dose YouTube channel, I found info on The 5 Conflict Styles - Which Is Yours?
CHALLENGE: Trace your tension to the root to understand why it’s negatively affecting you and how to overcome these feelings. Resist the invitation to join the conflict instead, opting for a peaceful resolution.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Effectively Navigating Life’s Little Challenges
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
On this show…we are pulling from our toolbox; emotional resilience, problem-solving skills, and a positive mindset as we aim to effectively navigate life’s little challenges. You might possess everything you need and you might be still gathering the necessary components but no matter where you are on your journey, remember that life's little challenges are an inevitable part of the human experience. By developing effective skills and maintaining a positive attitude, you can successfully navigate them and emerge stronger on the other side.
Aren’t you glad life is a journey compromised of different stages of development? What would it feel like if at birth we knew all we were ever going to know? Sounds bizarre and worrisome if you ask me. Learning and growing might be the best part of life. Sure, to learn you might have to go through some rough patches that aren’t so rosy but the growth you receive out of that experience can be a critical revelation. An Ah-Ha moment that gives you direction and motivates you to want more.
When you step back and take a look at where you are in life, what shines bright? What keeps you up at night? What are you still trying to solve?
Let’s take some time to unpack this idea and look at it from multiple angles. You might be missing an experience, a failure to uncover the learning, or simply a new perspective.
Sonia over at happiness.com shares some ideas on Navigating life: 10 tips for overcoming obstacles
CHALLENGE: rely on your life lessons to teach you and prepare you for navigating the inevitable challenges that will present themselves as you move forward. Step back and gain a better vantage point for a new perspective.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Examining the Ego, Moving from Self-Importance to Self-Awareness
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
On this show… we aim to tickle your ego, prod your self-importance, and maybe even burst that bubble of self-delusion just a little. Ego you say? What ego? Well, ego isn't just a one-size-fits-all deal; it's a complex, colorful, and downright funky part of what makes us human. We're gonna explore the ego's many faces, from the subtle whispers of self-doubt to the grandiose declarations of "I am the center of the universe!" Whether you need to put your ego in check or someone else’s, egos play a multifaceted and important role in our lives. While they can sometimes be associated with negative traits like arrogance or self-centeredness, ego is a fundamental aspect of human psychology.
Defined, ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. It’s the core of our self-identity. It helps us differentiate ourselves from others and develop a sense of who we are as individuals. It's the foundation upon which we build our self-concept, which includes our beliefs, values, and personal narratives. Wow, ego has some pretty big shoulders and shoes to fill. So what happens when it’s left unchecked and goes astray? Enter the need for humility. Humility is the absence of ego. A modest or low view of one's importance; humbleness.
So how can you strike a healthy balance? Self-awareness. Let’s dig in to better understand the differences and the scale to narrow the gap.
Over at pathwaytohappiness.com, I found a good introduction; About Ego
Alex Morris explains How your ego is affecting your mental health, found at ihasco.co
On Christy Evenepoel’s blog she explores Self-Love vs. Unhealthy EgoThomas Armstrong covers The Stages of Ego Development According to Jane Loevinger found at institute4learning.com
On the Holistic Psycologist’s YouTube channel, I found How To Do Ego Work by Dr. Nicole Lepera
CHALLENGE: Be open to self-reflection as you explore your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. A well-balanced ego is typically associated with a healthy sense of self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Sep 04, 2023
If Joy Were a Color...
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
On this show…we are taking a colorful look at joy as we explore its meaning and presence, contemplating the idea, if joy were a color…When pure joy overflows and becomes so tangible you can reach out and touch, what color do you see? Maybe you’re still waiting for that type of joyful overabundance to show itself in your life and that’s okay. Want some good news? Joy resides inside of you and once you remove the barriers and unlock the resistance, it has room to activate in your life. Joy is defined as
a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When did you feel a strong sense of pride, love, or gratitude? Were you beaming? Eyes sparkling? Body radiating positive energy? Don’t overlook these joyful moments thinking joy has to be a steady state to be real. These moments, when recognized and celebrated, will be motivation for more!
I had a friend use the term, “if joy were a color..” when describing a social encounter where a person was communicating a recent win. She overheard this conversation and witnessed the winner so full of joy that she radiated a tangible experience. What a beautiful thought. Days, weeks, months, or even years can get messy and distracting. Our focus can be easily be misdirected and we can feel like we’re barely getting by. Who has time for joy?
George Bernard Shaw said, “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”
Let’s look at this idea from a few different angles…
Dr. Jamie D. Aten shares What Is Joy and What Does It Say About Us?
An interview with Dr. Pamela King on the meaning and depth of joy. Found at psychologytoday.com
Over at compassion.com I found some differences between joy and happiness.
CHALLENGE: Embrace joyful moments and notice the colors and unique feelings that lift your spirit. Don’t stop there. Remove any barriers and negative thoughts to release pure joy in your life.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Aug 28, 2023
Can You Really Be Self-Made?
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
On this show…we are humbly taking a step back, widening our purview to assess our support system as we question, can you really be self-made? The pure definition of self-made says: made such by one's own actions. especially: having achieved success or prominence through one's own efforts. But what about all the people who told you it was possible? The people who poured encouragement into your soul, helped you back up when things didn’t go as expected, and rallied behind all the many modifications and extra attempts? Not to take anything away from the choices you’ve made, in fact, let’s celebrate them and inspire you to take more chances and trust in your own abilities. But let’s not forget those who had your back, took your hand, challenged your ideas, and forced you to be better.
Have you heard…”I’m great at everything, except humility, which I’m AMAZING at.” Seriously though, humbly, I think about all the people who support all the crazy ideas I’ve had over the years. I was a wee entrepreneur, starting at age 8 with my very own yardsale. Sounds harmless except, as a latch-key kid, I’m pretty sure my Mother wouldn’t have appreciated me selling the contents of my room on the side of the road when she was at work. Oops. But it just snowballed from there. I never once remember my family laughing at me or telling me that whatever my small business flavor of the month was, I would fail.
Sure, my Mom still reminds me of the puzzle piece jewelry phase I peddled in my own pop-up store called “Exception to the Rule”, but she was always careful not to squelch my dreams.
Let’s walk around this idea to inspect all the angles. The first being, that you have the power to dream and to do! Ready for a Rocky-style intro?
Sheri Silk shares 4 KEYS TO OVERCOMING ENCOURAGEMENT DEFICIT found at lovingonpurpose.com
J.D. MEIER offers 15 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Others found at time.com
CHALLENGE: pat yourself on the back as you look to thank those in your support system who encouraged you, lifted you up, and championed your way to becoming self-made.
I Know YOU Can Do It!