
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Brand You: Crafting and Cultivating Your Personal Narrative
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
On this show…we are exploring your personal brand as we craft and cultivate your narrative. Crafting your own personal narrative involves intentionally shaping and defining the story of who you are, what you stand for, and how you present yourself to the world. It goes beyond a mere collection of facts about your life; it's about curating a compelling and authentic narrative that communicates your values, experiences, and aspirations. Do you visually and verbally represent what you find important on your daily walk? Are you living your best life? Does that sound like work? Well, anything worth doing is worth doing well.
Don’t leave your brand up for misinterpretation. Be clear and concise. Live it, breathe it, and walk the walk. If you stopped today, what type of story would your body of work tell? If you don’t see any compelling twists and turns, heart-warming interactions, or an inspiring outcome, you may have more work to do and investments to make. Living your best life is not coasting along, adapting yourself to get over every challenge or through every narrow pass. Start carving your own path and blazing your own trail.
Right now, you have what it takes and the only thing holding you back is you.
At brandcredential.com I found 7 Essential Personal Brand Traits to Help You Stand Out
CHALLENGE: Crafting your personal narrative is an ongoing process that involves self-discovery, refinement, and adaptation. It's a powerful tool, helping you shape how you are perceived and creating a cohesive and compelling story that reflects the essence of who you are.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
On this show…we are navigating the unknown of goal setting when you’re unsure of what you even want. We’ve all felt the pressure and have been questioned at the start of any new year, “What are your goals?” “What’s your plan?” “Where do you see yourself this time next year?” Whether you pull out your journal, spreadsheet, digital goal app, or the back of a used envelope, creating goals isn’t always easy. Then they have to be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. OH, the pressure! So where do you start? An easy jumping-off point is your career: where are you and where do you want to be? Your personal life: what’s important to you and what do you want to add or subtract? Personal growth: what do you need to adopt and what do you need to abandon? Soul searching is tough and because of that, hard to stay focused.
Pull out a piece of paper, grab a pen, and let’s start figuring some things out. This is the essential work before the work if you want to include another S - SUCCESSFUL.
Over at Driven Woman I found a little extra help on HOW TO SET GOALS IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT
CHALLENGE: Remember, the process of figuring out what you want is ongoing. It's okay if your goals evolve over time. Be open to reassessing and adjusting your objectives as needed. Self-discovery is not one and done but a journey so settle in.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
On this show…we are crafting meaningful new chapters as we navigate the sadness of traditions in transition. Change is hard, no need to sugarcoat it as we do everything else around the holidays. Families grow and families shrink but what doesn’t change are the seasons. Therefore our flexibility and evolution are paramount to successfully navigate all the changes. For some, we merely adapt and roll with the punches but for others, we have to take the helm and create new memories and purpose. What each must share is an openness and willingness to embrace this ever-changing landscape with love. Most people are just doing their best. Have you ever stepped back or I should say stepped up for that kind of vantage point? On average, everyone is just trying to do their best. No one has everything figured out and everyone is going through something now, then, or yet to come so have patience and approach every situation with kindness and understanding.
With that said traditions are an important part of our development and shouldn’t be overlooked…
Dr. Kimberly Key explains Why Traditions Matter
How vacations, celebrations, and cherished routines increase health. Found at psychologytoday.com
At GR8 Relationships I found info on the 7 Stages and 8 Steps of a Blended Family
CHALLENGE: Transitioning your traditions involves open communication, a willingness to embrace change, and an understanding that creating new traditions doesn't diminish the value of the old ones but rather allows for growth and adaptation.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Midlife Mastery: Navigating Frustration to Find Fulfillment and Gratitude
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
On this show…we are tackling midlife challenges as we navigate through frustration to find fulfillment and gratitude. Whether you’re in a season of discontent, full-out frustration, or downright crisis, there is something in here for you. Crisis sounds so fatal but let’s start with a definition so we’re all on the same page: Crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Nothing is broken here but rather a chance to get to know yourself better as you learn what’s working and what isn’t. If life’s plan is to evolve yourself as a human being on a journey of self-discovery, then a snag or two along the way seems more than reasonable. Our brain, the powerful engine in partnership with our heart can sometimes get out of alignment. With self-awareness and a commitment to weather the storm, you can adopt new ideas and strategies to help you over the hump or humps.
So, with that in mind…
On roadtotheunknown.com I found a valuable practice The 4 A’s of Gratitude: A Comprehensive Guide
CHALLENGE: Remember that everyone's journey through a midlife crisis is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Understand that change is a natural part of life, and growth often comes from challenges. Embrace this opportunity for personal development.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Beyond the Banter: Elevating Small Talk to Transformative Connections
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
On this show… we are going beyond the banter as we dive deeper into conversations elevating small talk into transformative connections. Always looking for something interesting to say that doesn’t involve the weather, the state of the union, or the latest child’s milestone? You may not be alone. Social media keeps us somewhat connected on “what’s new” or the cracked window we are willing to open when it comes to our personal lives. But how can we create more meaningful relationships if we can’t find opportunities to open up? A chance meeting in the grocery store or in line at an event isn’t the right environment to go deeper so we may need to carve out the time and encourage thoughtful communication.
When was the last time you connected with a friend to chat? Not a txt string or a quick phone call but an intentional “catch-up”? I venture to say we talk about it more than we do it. In this instant, good intentions don’t count. “Hey let’s grab lunch.” “We really should make more time to get together”. “It’s been ages since we caught up”. Smile, kiss kiss, and move on for another day when everyone has more time.
News flash….more time is an exchange, not an addition. You have to reset priorities to find more time plain and simple.
Make it a priority when the opportunity is there….”Hey let’s grab lunch…..I have my calendar open, how about next Tuesday at 11:30AM at Mario’s?”
Let’s check out the research to motivate us to go deeper…deal?
On the Washington Post, I found why Small talk is boring. Our research shows how you can do better.
Arlin Cuncic bails us out with Small Talk Topics - The Best and Worst Things to Talk About
On the Silver and Fit blog, I found The Joy of Replacing Small Talk With Deep Conversations
CHALLENGE: The benefits of moving beyond small talk extend beyond the immediate conversation, positively impacting relationships, personal growth, and overall well-being. After the opener, ask thoughtful questions and listen to understand.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Untangling Minds: Decoding the Web of Warped Thinking and Codependency
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
On this show…we are untangling our minds as we strive to decode the web of warped thinking and codependency. In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, certain threads can become entangled, creating knots that affect our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Warped thinking, also known as distorted thinking or cognitive distortions, refers to patterns of thought that are irrational, negative, and often contribute to emotional distress. Don’t worry, there are different degrees of warp from slightly askew to extreme torque. But here’s the good news, nothing is broken here and with a little work and a shift in perspective, you can open up a whole new world of thinking. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had good intentions to take a radical turn to manipulation and control. Too soon…ok, hang in there. Maybe you know something is off but you’re just not sure why or how. It seems like you’re always left holding the bag and things never turn out the way you had hoped. By the way, just using the words “always” and “never” means you’re listening at the right time.
When left unchecked, warped thinking can become a breeding ground for unhealthy behaviors and relationships. So thanks for checking in and making the commitment to learn more. Let’s dive in…
CHALLENGE: Untangling the web of warped thinking and codependency is a journey that requires self-reflection, courage, and a commitment to personal growth. Take your time, you’re worth it!
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Rising Together: Navigating Life’s Challenges with Perspective and Empathy
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
On this show…we are rising together by navigating life’s challenges with perspective and empathy. No matter what age you are I think we can all agree, that life delivers some rough patches, knee-buckling blows, and what may feel like unsurmountable issue after issue. But guess what, just like your miraculous body has incredible self-healing capabilities, so does your resolve.
The survival instinct is like a powerful toolbox loaded with things like will, problem-solving, adrenaline, logical thinking..just to name a few. We also have anger, fear, panic-grief, care, pleasure/lust, and play. Interestingly, it is thought that the most powerful instinct is “seeking”. Something that we generally give little thought or credence to. This is the instinct that moves us to explore our environment in order to meet our needs. All this to say, hang in there it may not be as bad as it seems and if it is, you’ve got skills to tap into to right the situation and get you moving forward.
Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened."
Before you hitch up your saddle feathers, proclaiming the sky is falling let’s take a much-needed pause to figure some things out.
Steve Rizzo shares some insight on: You Are Bigger Than Any Challenge found at success.com
CHALLENGE: Take a moment before you react to put each challenge you face into perspective. Reach out for help with problem-solving versus isolating with your issues. All boats rise when we lift those around us.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Boundaries and Bliss: Navigating Family Functions with Self-Care
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
On this show…we are gearing up for festive family functions by setting clear boundaries that encourage us to engage while focusing on our own self-care. Now that might sound like another thing to tackle like cleaning the bathroom, changing the sheets, removing the dog hair, and setting the table but just wait. With the right balance, you can manage both with ease. Picture it, some soulful jazz in the background, festive candles a glow scenting the room and setting the mood. With the food prep completed and an hour left on the turkey, you’ve got your feet up enjoying a little pumpkin spice latte allowing yourself a well-deserved break before company arrives and…….the dorbell rings. Goodbye serenity hello familia dysfunction and soon-to-be heartburn. Happy Holidays!
Sound familiar? I’m not sure how it goes down in your world but for many of us, this rings true. Maybe you only have to get yourself ready and a onepot wonder to contribute. You park at the back for an easy exit and have no problem with excusing yourself and packing up your leftovers before you have a chance to hit the hot seat. Maybe you have already established some clear boundaries and scenes like these are a thing of the past. Congratulations. For everyone else, hang in there. Finding harmony during family functions can feel like an ill-fated attempt but don’t we want a picture-perfect holiday?
So let’s dig in and gain some new insights on setting boundaries for a blissful family function.
On the Better Health channel I found some insight into Family Conflict
CHALLENGE: Take a big breath and a step back. Use gratitude as your platform to build a functional and festive family get-together. Lead by example, sharing your calm and welcoming light even when chaos threatens to extinguish it.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Unleashing Your Best Life: Embrace Your Journey, Define Your Means
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
On this show…we are letting go and free-falling into our best life, embracing our journey, and searching for meaning. The description, of your best life, can be as subjective as they come. I think we can all agree that this involves some level of happiness, realized dreams, and measurable success but the degree to which you reach it can vary dramatically from person to person.
We must also recognize that the path to get there is personal and rarely a straight shot. How do our twists and turns factor in? To embrace our journey we have to start with acceptance, good or bad. Then we need to take responsibility so that we can find the learning that may be buried behind guilt, shame, or denial.
Then we need to pack our bags with the good stuff, let go of the bad stuff, and with a renewed commitment to growth, carry on with our venture through life. Defining what “best” means to you may change as you do and that’s ok. Be flexible in your definitions as you learn more for others, from yourself, and life.
Let me tell you about Granny, my husband’s grandmother who turned 100 on Veteran’s Day. Being a former Marine during WWII, this was especially meaningful. Granny lives her best life. Her parents were Italian immigrants who settled in Milwaukee. She married a military man and had 11 children. They moved around for his career, settling outside of St. Louis, MO.
Granny lives a life of service, to her family, her church, the area children through education, and to her community. She is an avid reader, writer, and piano player. Her positive spirit and passion for life have kept her spry for a century. It doesn’t take long to hear how grateful she is in any conversation. She doesn’t focus on the struggles that you would expect a child who lived through the depression to do, instead, she talks about gratitude for all the experiences she was fortunate enough to have.
For the people she has met, for the family she was blessed with, and the love she gave and received. Granny sets the bar pretty high in my book but what I’ve learned from her you get back what you give. She is so loved because she so loved.
Over at wanderlustworker.com I found You Get What You Put Out Into The World
Lucy Gower shares How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today found at lifehack.org
CHALLENGE: Decide how you want your best life to look and focus your efforts on putting that out into the world. Feel love by giving it; heart, mind, and soul.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Personality Traits and the Right Recipe
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
On this show…we are checking the personality pantry, exploring artful combinations and disastrous duos as we concoct the right recipe. Not all optimists should be created equal just like not all fatalists are wrong. Understanding who you are, what makes you tick, and what you’re drawn to in another human is important. A good blend is someone who lifts you up vs tears you down. I think we can all agree on that. Regardless of your current state, you can change infusing more of what you’re lacking by changing yourself and/or your surroundings. What traits are you drawn to? What traits do you excuse or immerse yourself in? It’s hard to want a sunnier disposition if you continue to encircle yourself with clouds.
I love this idea of a recipe. My husband and I had a season of creating ice cream. I say season because for a summer, we were all in. We bought the ice cream maker, researched recipes, brainstormed our future ice cream business (including names and logos), and of course….. thoroughly taste-tested our product. In fact, friends were curious about how we had room in the freezer for the ice cream we had created…HUH? There should be extra?
We actually got pretty good and it’s because we found the right base to build off of. All good ice cream recipes start with a base. Then you add the different flavors and elements to that base but the base provides the consistency. What is your personality base? What kind of mood do you experience with consistency? If you are primarily happy and optimistic then enthusiasm and joy aren’t a stretch. But if you are pessimistic and angry then humor and contentment might be harder to reach.
So let’s strive for a consistent positive base on which to build. Deal?
CHALLENGE: Diversify your recipe, inviting in differing opinions and ideas to broaden and challenge your viewpoint. Remove any barriers that are preventing your positive light from shining.
I Know YOU Can Do It!