
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Having the Confidence of a Chocolate Chip
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
On this show…we’re checking the recipe, measuring out our ingredients with precision, and cooking with conviction as we find the confidence of a chocolate chip. What does that even mean as my stomach grumbles at the mention of a chocolate chip? Don’t worry, I’m going to get to that and more. Let’s start here, where do you find your confidence? Maybe you’re saying, “what confidence?” or maybe you walk tall exuding courage and assertiveness. No matter where you currently are on the confidence scale, there is something in this show for you. A different perspective and a positive alternative, so stay with me.
If you were a cookie, what cookie would you be? Shortbread, iced sugar cookie, fig newton, snickerdoodle, peanut butter, oreo…..yum, I’m salivating.
During a trip with a group of women, I sensed some tension between myself and another woman. Sensed some tension? That’s polite, she actually confronted me out of the blue. I was caught off guard because, before the incident, I didn’t even realize she wasn’t a fan of mine. The next day, I was discussing this encounter with a friend who happens to be a social worker, so can we say, delicate in her approach. She told me that I was like an oatmeal raisin cookie. Some people like oatmeal raisin cookies and some don’t. Hmmmm with my head cocked sideways like your favorite golden retriever reel I said, “Weird, I always thought I was chocolate chip.”
Now there is more than a delicious treat to unpack here. As I stepped back and looked at my life and my approach to it, that makes perfect sense. I have the confidence of a chocolate chip. Personally or professionally, I avoid fear and self-doubt by believing everyone will like me. They will listen to my ideas, embrace my opinions, and genuinely want to help me because they truly like me. Pie in the sky? Nope, we’re talking about cookies here. Is it always true? Absolutely not but don’t tell me that. My chips make me fearless!
Madison Sabatino asks and informs on What is Your Cookie-Personality? Found at The Rampage
At skillsyouneed.com I found more information on Building Your Confidence
On the BRAINY DOSE youtube channel, I found, 10 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Confidence
CHALLENGE: whether oatmeal raisin or sugar cookie, present your chocolate chip. Crush anxiety and self-doubt by mastering one skill at a time.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Jan 16, 2023
The Power of Peace and Finding it Within
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
On this show…we’re taking in a big breath, closing our eyes, and remaining still as we tap into the power of peace that resides within us. What an amazing time-out and one that you can enlist anywhere and at any time. Chaos can be all-encompassing and before you know it, you’re swirling around with your thoughts pulled into a million different directions. You feel out of control and overwhelmed. Sorry for the radical change after such a lovely time-out but I’m curious, how do you handle those shifts throughout the day? Are you rational, weighing out all your options with a smooth transition into a problem-solving mode? Or do you shut down, riding the swells only to be pulled under by the current? Sometimes it takes too much energy and focus to fight it.
No matter how you react during stressful situations, the good news is, you have the power to control your reactions and usher in peace. an achievable state of mind that has everything to do with how you feel inside, instead of what’s happening around you. In case you didn’t hear me, you have power and we’re going to tap into some of that right now.
First, you have to have an awareness of where you are, what you what, and what you need. If you react without thought or understanding then it will be difficult to make any changes.
Before we get too deep it might be worthwhile to answer these questions. Do I want more peace in my life? How much value do I place on peace? Am I willing to avoid chaos to protect my peace?
Over at standinbalance.com I found, 8 Tricks to Tap into your Inner Peace
CHALLENGE: take a much-needed time-out as you tap into the power within. You have the ability to order your steps, direct your mind, and guard your heart.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Gifts; Those You Possess, Those You Give, and Those You Use
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
On this show…we are acquiring, unwrapping, giving, and using our gifts differently. You might hear the word gift and become anxious when you think of a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. Let’s face it, some of us are not good gift givers. Or you might be thinking of this word with gratitude, possessing a natural ability or talent. You could be thinking of this word with action, like the verb to give (something) as a gift, especially formally or as a donation or bequest. Passing something to someone else. No matter what feeling it elicits or the vision you conjure, let’s take some time to dig a little deeper into gifts. Those we possess, those we give, and those we use.
When I think about the gifts I’ve been given over my lifetime, I’m drawn to the moments, experiences, or art. I come from a family of artists and so each piece I possess is so much more than a gift I received at a certain event celebrating a time in my life. It’s an actual piece of them that they chose to give to me and now that piece lives here, we are all sharing this space together. I think about the time someone invested in me, teaching me, listening to me, and coaching me. Those gifts produce fruit in my life and help me give to someone else. So instead of a present I might have for a period of time, they gave me a gift that I can re-gift as I pass it on.
I was curious about the difference between a gift and a present and found this at mentalfloss.com:
Over at lumankind.com I found 7 Ways To Identify Your Unique Gifts and Contribute to the World
Richie Norton teaches us HOW TO RECEIVE A GIFT WITH GRACE found at medium.com
Leo Babauta shares The Six Greatest Gifts You Can Give Your Loved Ones found at zenhabits.com
CHALLENGE: don’t miss the many gifts in all the wrapping. Your gifts are unique to you and are something to be treasured, utilized, and passed on. Keep your hearts open to being the receiver as well.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Setting a Goal You Can Achieve; Being the Best You Can Be
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
On this show…we’re going to look at goal setting through a different lens. Instead of anxiously scripting a target based on the top ten goals someone said you should achieve before some magical age, we’re going to set a goal we CAN achieve; being the best you can be. Maybe you’re purpose-driven and have your life planned out for the next 3, 5, or 10 years. Perhaps you love deadlines, competition, pushing yourself to uncomfortable heights, and winning more than losing. I mean who doesn’t? But maybe, you find goal setting, milestones, self-motivation, and the celebratory dance all a bit overwhelming so instead, you retreat until something comfortable and doable lands in your lap. Ok, no matter who you identify with, there is a plan for you.
A leader in my company introduced me to the idea of “Best we can be” and it was a bit of a revelation for me. Don’t you love how that happens? Something so simple can hit with perfect timing and SHAZAM, it’s life-altering. You see I’m sometimes guilty of all-or-nothing thinking. I’ve worked really hard on varying degrees but it’s easy to revert back to old habits.
Now I want you to see this idea of “Best we can be” as a freedom-delivering, positive vibe-inducing way of thinking, not a scapegoat. Oh, believe me, I can justify anything so if you are going into this with anything but positivity, you could see that mantra as an excuse to do less than you’re capable of and call it good. I mean, it’s the best I can be…today.”
Nope, not buying it. This mantra should be liberating and give you extra motivation to try harder. You see goals should be personal, passionate, and ensure growth. If you are in line to lose 10 lbs, get a promotion, make six figures or have 6-pack abs then grab a ticket and take a seat. But if you want to evaluate where you are, what you want, and how you’re going to get there; then set your compass to striving for a better you. Well then, grab your headlamp, and let’s get going!
Scotta20 over at changeyourlifeforever.co.uk starts us off with Be The Best You Can Be And Do It Now
CHALLENGE: turn on the light, ask negative self-talk to zip it, and focus your newfound positive thinking on yourself. This year set a goal you can achieve; the best you can be.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Evaluating What’s Working and What’s Not
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
On this show…it’s time for a reality check as we wind it down and take a step back to evaluate what’s working and what’s not! What’s the definition of insanity? Oh yea, doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. It’s time to take charge and get real. There’s another saying, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it but when was the last time you looked under the hood? Nope, this year we’re not leaving anything to chance but instead taking a proactive approach as we take an honest deep dive into our lives. Sometimes it’s hard to get a good perspective when you’re so close to the subject, ie - ourselves. So we’ll consult some experts, relate with some stories, pull our vantage point back to get the bigger picture and make a commitment to embrace change.
See if you relate. I’m guilty of putting my head down and barrelling toward a project or idea with just sheer will. I feel like reward and success come from hard work instead of admitting to myself, strategy plays a pretty critical role. Like diet and exercise, they go hand in hand and rarely work alone. But the strategy part can be confusing and is where self-doubt enters the picture. Push square into round hole, twist, try again, push harder - you get the picture.
Strategy takes time, some research, evaluation, and patience but the payoff surpasses the exercise.
How Habits Can Change Your Life (and Your Brain) - Be Smart Youtube Channel
CHALLENGE: take the time to get to know YOU, the real YOU. What is working and what is not so that you can work together and make the necessary changes to transition into the next phase of life.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Finding Awareness and Understanding
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
On this show….we are in search of a better vantage point and a little patience as we find awareness and understanding for ourselves and others. On this journey of self-discovery, it’s time for a check-in. Do we know where we are, where we’re going, and why? Are we happy with our progress, if not why? And a question that shouldn’t be overlooked, what can we do to get back on track, get satisfied, or push ahead? It’s easy to get lost in self-help mantras and top 10 lists while assuming you’re doing some quality work and experiencing growth in leaps and bounds, but can you be objective? Aren’t you searching because you don’t have all the answers? If you were “there”, would you be able to recognize it, having never been “there” before? All good exploratory questions, perfect for our check-in.
Let’s take a moment and check our toolbox and map. What are you using to guide your journey to self-discovery? Have you found journaling to be helpful? Are you detailing your day, chronicling visions for your future, or barely recording the important moments? Do you have an accountability partner, therapist, or trusted friend you share updates with? Are you finding time to nurture yourself? ME TIME, yoga time, prayer time, nature time…etc? Are you pulling it together in one cohesive approach or more of a scattershot, trying anything that promises to feel good?
We might need a little direction to get us started or kick-start a relaunch.
Maggie Wooll gives us 10 self-discovery techniques to help you find yourself found at Betterup.com
Kendra Cherry helps us understand What Is Self-Awareness?
Development, Types, and How to Improve - found at verywellmind.com
Sadhguru enlightens us on, How Do You Get To Know Yourself Fully?
CHALLENGE: evaluate where you are on your journey to self-discovery. To do so requires a little self-awareness. Is this a good place to stop and dig in for a while to better understand yourself and others? No need to rush, you set the pace.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Figuring Out What You Want Before Setting a Path to Get There
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
On this show…we are going to take some time to search our souls, do a little research, and spend some time daydreaming to figure out what we truly want. No sense in spending time goal setting if you haven’t identified your goal. Create SMART goals, write your goals down, develop an action plan, build a timeline, and then take action! That all sounds great but first, where are you going? Here’s the infamous line of questioning that we sluff off unless we’re prompted to create a vision for a job interview; Where do you see yourself in 1-3-5 years? As a result, you might think this vision only applies to your professional career but you can use this for anything. What do you want to do this next year?
No, no….this isn’t a trivia question on a game show. You have time and should take time to figure this out. Your answers will chart your direction. Goal setting can be intimidating and this aggressive push to have things figured out and to always be moving forward can be overwhelming. Let’s take a moment and set the action steps aside. Take a big breath in and exhale. Imagine yourself in a room on a comfy chair. The lights are dim and it’s quiet. Not the kind of quiet that gets your mind reeling but the kind that you’re grateful for. We have all the time we want to focus without interruption.
I’m going to ask you a question and there are no right or wrong answers. What do you want? In an attempt to give context but not guide your mind or answer, this doesn’t have to pertain to something tangible like a purchase of sorts. This can be a feeling, a desire, an experience, or a moment. What do you want?
Chris Sparks for medium.com shares Choosing Goals (How to Figure Out What You Want)
Over at Harvard Business Review, I found info on Why We Set Unattainable Goals
CHALLENGE: Spend some time with yourself as you check in on what’s important to you and why. Big or small, set a path for yourself that includes the steps to get there. Check-in regularly and lean on support when you need extra motivation to keep going.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
ADDING Joy to the World With Your Contribution
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
On this show…we are ringing the bell, taking notice, and adding joy to the world with our own intentional contributions. Guess what, you don’t have to wait on the miraculous to happen to feel great pleasure and happiness. You can take charge and create these feelings for yourself. It starts with understanding more about this feeling called joy. Digging deeper into the action of giving joyfully, and then understanding how you can take ownership of adding joy to the world. Sounds like a worthy mission to me. I mean what’s the opposite; misery, despair, trial, and tribulation - no thank you! Give me joy…oops I mean, let me find joy, strive for joy, and spread joy. Deal?
I have never quite understood this idea of, it’s as good as it’s ever going to get OR these are the cards I’ve been dealt. Or phrases like; that’s just the way it is and everyone’s got to die of something. No thank you! It brings to mind this meme I saw around the internet where a raccoon on the side of the road, definitely deceased has a mylar balloon tied to his wrist that says “Get Well Soon”.
It’s time to take matters into your own hands. Do you want to feel more joyful in your day-to-day life? Would you like to be surrounded by more joyful people? Are you looking for a way to contribute to the health of the world but it feels like an impossible task? Well, you’ve tuned into the right show today - stay with me!
You are a joyologist! Ok, maybe you aren’t right now or today but you can be. You can make infectious joy part of your daily routine.
To get there, we need to know the difference…
At globalleadership.org I found some valuable insight; Brené Brown on Joy and Gratitude
Dr. Brené Brown on Joy: It's Terrifying | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network
Lauren Carpenter shares 10 WAYS TO SPREAD JOY found at indymaven.com
The Simple Art of Spreading Joy | Kelly Krenzel | TEDxFargo
CHALLENGE: activate joy in your life! It resides in your heart and you can share it with others through acts of service. Active joy illuminates your life and draws others to you.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Celebrating Where You Are Instead of Worrying About Where You Aren’t
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
On this show…we are going to slow our mad dash to get somewhere and celebrate where we are. As you look back over this year, take stock of all you’ve done, all you’ve experienced, how you’ve grown, and where you added value. So much of our time and energy is invested in setting goals and striving to hit those goals. What do we do when we get there? We make new goals. Very little time is spent on celebrating the win. What happens when we don’t reach the goal? We give up most of the time, but sometimes we re-engineer that goal and try again. But very little time if any is spent on celebrating what we did accomplish and the growth and learning we received as a result. The quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson might sound cliche, “ “It's not the Destination, It's the journey.” But it’s true! Even though it’s more about the climb the celebration gives you that much-needed intrinsic reward to motivate you as you journey to your next destination.
So as you look back over your year, what stands out? Are you able to immediately pinpoint the positive highlights or are your wins overshadowed by your losses? Isn’t it frustrating the way your brain gives priority to challenges and threats vs positive outcomes?
Were you able to check things off your to-do list and complete some desired goals? What did you do to celebrate or reward yourself? Who in your inner circle was invited? Did you keep it to yourself or over-post on social media - it’s ok, we can be honest here. Let’s trace the steps of this year’s journey to get a push where we may be stuck and kudos where we might have overlooked an accomplished milestone. Let’s also find some healthy habits we can adopt to make the climb that much more rewarding!
CHALLENGE: take stock and identify joy in the process even when you can’t claim a win. Celebrate each milestone along your journey to give yourself the necessary fuel to carry on.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
See People, Taking Notice of the World Around You
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
On this show….we are taking notice of the world around us by seeing people. Not just the people you have in your inner circle or the people you come into contact with at work, church, school, or the grocery. I mean ALL people from the itty bitty babies who get all the coos to the elderly who sometimes get forgotten. It’s time to celebrate and learn from every season of life. Are you in your prime? What season is that? Is that when you’re just starting out and the world is your oyster or is that when you have finally figured out that life is for you and not against you? That you can overcome life’s challenges and learn from disappointment, pain, and sorrow. Not sure I can cover all the angles of this idea but I can get you thinking and curious to know more. Most importantly, I would like to give you an awareness of the value of each stage so that you can take notice and See People.
This idea came to me in the midst of a people-watching session during some recent travel. Are you a people watcher? Oooooh I love some good people-watching. We recently returned from New Orlean’s French Quarter, need I say more? But this recent travel involved a few airports. Perfect people-watching. You have time, nothing to do but wait on your plane, and plenty of people to watch. But most of the people around me were on their phones, texting, searching, face-timing, playing games, or just clicking through their photos.
Even though I was watching them, they weren’t watching me. It dawned on me how little we casually interact these days. The airport and a long flight used to be the best time to make a new friend, learn about a job or industry, and share a little about yourself with a complete stranger, knowing your paths probably wouldn’t cross again.
Follow These 3 Rules To Have a Successful Life ! | Lou Holtz
Eric Baker shares 10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From the Smartest Older People found at time.com
CHALLENGE: SEE PEOPLE, slow down and take notice. Intentionally reach out and connect with some to share and learn. Every stage of life is captured in the people around you, don’t let them go unnoticed.
I Know YOU Can Do It!