
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Staying Flexible in Your Thinking to Easily Embrace Change
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
On this show…we are going to stay flexible, gently planting a foot to pivot, so that we can easily embrace change. The only thing that seems consistent, is change. How do you deal with your ever-evolving life? I believe certain seasons are prone to unfolding in due time and others see rapid change that may seem overwhelming and impossible to keep up with. What season are you currently in? Are you holding on for dear life or are you pushing your ideas up the side of a mountain? No matter where you find yourself, it’s important to stay flexible in your thinking. It’s all too easy to get rooted in one thought track that can narrow your view and limit your possibilities. There is more to learn as you connect and open your mind and your heart.
Do you find yourself thinking and sounding like your parents? I’m sure at one point, during your rebellious teenage years, you said the words “Shoot me if I ever sound like my Mother” haha only to find yourself relating to the world in some of the same ways. That’s because much of your thinking, ideas, and rituals came from your parents during your formative years. One survey stated that 75% of life lessons are introduced by a parent. Can you think of a time when you challenged that way of thinking? How have you grown as you’ve been introduced to new people, places, and experiences?
Today we are bombarded with content, voices, strong opinions, ideas, and suggestions. How do you discern and learn?
Have you heard of the term, cognitive flexibility?
Cognitive flexibility is an intrinsic property of a cognitive system often associated with the mental ability to adjust its activity and content, switch between different task rules and corresponding behavioral responses, maintain multiple concepts simultaneously, and shift internal attention between them.
Marianne Stenger shows us 7 Ways to Develop Cognitive Flexibility found at informEd
Polly Campbell shares 5 BRAIN EXERCISES TO FOSTER FLEXIBLE THINKING found at gaiam.com
At soulsalt.com I found information on Embracing Change: Moving Forward Through A Major Transition
CHALLENGE: stay flexible in your thinking so that you are open to accepting new ideas, shared experiences, and the benefits of an alternative perspective. Change is not always easy but always part of the process.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Inspiring Interviews: Matt, From a Spark to a Flame
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
On this show…we will be inspired by action. From a spark to a flame, our guest has carved a meaningful path through life with passion and purpose. How many times has your great idea been snuffed with self-doubt? If you could go back and relive those moments, would you have taken the leap, risked failure, and been able to recover, re-engineer, and relaunch? How many of you are sitting there today with an idea and a purpose but waiting for the signal that you should act? If any of that sounds familiar, keep listening.
I want you to meet Matt…
CHALLENGE: recognize the spark in yourself and others. Add the fuel of action by taking a leap of faith. Success and failure are subjective when one idea inspires a new direction.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Fast and Easy Isn’t Always Better
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
On this show…we will be taking our time, revisiting the unbroken, and removing the quick and easy to prove, it isn’t always better. Convenience is well, convenient and progress is undeniable but what would you go back to if you could? Have you early adopted yourself into technology overload? Do you feel more supported and connected or isolated and forgotten? Well, guess what, you can embrace or push back wherever and whenever you feel like it. Not impressed with the pace of this digital Flume Zoom, then get off the ride. You choose. Already can’t understand the one you have, then stop upgrading. Missing a good old-fashioned hen fest, then stop texting and make a date with your friends. Put yourself back into the command center Captain chair and start navigating this crazy high-speed world with a little more editing and veto power.
I remember a day…Oh here we go, miles to school in the snow, one drumstick for the whole family, right? No no, but let’s all take a minute and remember a day. A really good day.
Now, where are you and what’s happening? Does your good day involve others or a much-needed day for yourself? Are you relaxing or living it up? Get specific and detailed, painting a vivid picture of this memory.
Let’s set this memory aside with the “Happy Place” label as we visit the opposite, a terrible day. When was the last time you were frustrated, angry, defeated, anxious, overwhelmed….you fill in the blank? What are you doing and where are you? Are you with others or having a pity party by yourself? Are you solving the world’s problems or on the verge of giving up? Give your memory some color and detail here.
How can we clone your Happy Place to visit it often while we minimize your days of frustration?
The point is, you have the power to direct your energy and your day. We’re going to visit some ideas that you can use to navigate this busy and sometimes chaotic world to carve out more of the happy.
Jisha Joseph found 25 people old enough to remember life before the internet share what they miss the most. Found at scoop.upworthy.com
Sophia at malama-life.com shares, 7 tiny ways to simplify your life on her youtube channel
CHALLENGE: Before you jump to adopt the new and improved, evaluate its relevance for you and your life. Protect what is important, even if it’s simpler. Recreate your happy place with meaningful moments.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Inspiring Interviews: Rachel, Surrendering All
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
On this show….we are learning what it takes to let go, give in, ask for help, and surrender all. I’m joined by Rachel, a strong woman in recovery who has fought hard to build a life she can be proud of. One of joy, honesty, responsibility, and power. She will tell you it wasn’t easy and there was a time she didn’t see a way out. To be sitting here today, sober, hopeful, employed, and reunited with her family was something she never dreamt possible. But she met a counselor, a spiritual guide, who told her she deserved that and so much more! If you are struggling with addiction or substance abuse or if you know someone who is, listen and pass this on. Even if substance abuse hasn’t reached you or your family, listen to a story of hope that may give you more than you bargain for.
CHALLENGE: become aware of your own ups and downs along your journey as you open yourself up to accept and learn from others. Reach out, ask for help, and surrender all.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Why Your Words Matter
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
On this show…we are going to be curious, mindful, and impeccable as we uncover and embrace, why your words matter. So many times we deliver a word never knowing the impact, where it goes, how it lands, and what takes root. Other times, our words never make it to the surface but are cut off by our brain’s controlling intervention prompted by doubt or fear. On this journey of self-discovery, it’s important to dig in and learn as much as we can about ourselves, what makes us tick, and what can we do to maximize our impact. You have some real power here, the power of the tongue. Let’s not wield it lightly.
I was getting ready to speak the other day and the host of the event was getting the microphone ready and she used the word “subtle” when referring to the amplification. It struck me as funny because that’s never been a word to describe me. Subtle. I’ve never been told to speak up, either in terms of volume or interjection. I have been told to lower my voice and let someone else have a turn haha.
I have never found it hard to find my voice but looking back, I may have been naive to the power of my words. Let’s pay attention to the positive power and the negative so that we have a clearer picture.
Over at goop.com I found The Scary Power of Negative Words
Dr. Jack Schafer furthers our exploration with Words Have Power found at psychologytoday.com
CHALLENGE: be aware of what you say, when, and how. Use your words to empower, inform, and engage. Your words matter and people, including yourself, are listening.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Inspiring Interviews: Devyn and Ari, Quitting is Not an Option
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
On this show…we won’t be throwing in any towels, dropping by the wayside, or chucking any sponges because Devyn and Ari will inspire us to believe; quitting is not an option. Easy street sounds nice but the reality of life can be challenge after challenge. How many times have you said, “that’s it, I’m done, I can’t take this any longer!”? If you’re shaking your head yes then guess what, you’re more resilient than you think because you’re still here. In each situation, you’re just a click away from unlocking the answer. So, before you succumb thinking you don’t have another fight in you, listen to these two, bright and beautifully strong women and their ever-evolving journey of perseverance.
Audio of Devyn and Ari
CHALLENGE: When life throws you a curve ball, step up to the plate, duck, catch, or hit it out of the park. Set your mind to positive alternatives because quitting is not an option.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Giving Yourself Permission to Move Forward
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
On this show…we are recognizing our authority to make thoughtful and qualified decisions on our behalf as we give ourselves permission to move forward. Wherever you are, stuck or detained, you have the right to take the necessary actions to heal, inform, forgive, and let go. Only from this type of feeling will you find the motivation to take the next step. So many of us find ourselves at one point or another trapped by regret, grief, anger, self-doubt, and more. We get so focused on trying to figure out the “why” of what happened that we can’t move past this rumination stage. Here we are stunted without the ability to see the bigger or better visions that lie just beyond this haze.
Right now, let’s make the commitment to avoid saying or thinking; I can’t, I’ve already tried that, no one understands what I’m going through, or this is hopeless. Those types of sentiments don’t belong in our internal narrative or coming out of our mouths to anyone else. Remember, what you practice, you perfect.
With that in mind, where do you want to put your time, effort, and energy? Finding a new path forward or finding a way to transcend time and rewrite the past? I don’t know about you but one seems pretty obvious. Ok then, how do we move forward? What do you need to uncover, untangle, or unlearn to allow yourself a free passage? If life is a lesson then that would be the natural place to start. What can you learn? Up close and personal it may be hard to see the point but let’s crawl up to our higher vantage point with the wide-angle lens to get the bigger picture.
JOSHUA BECKER begs Don’t Forget the Past. Learn from It. found at becomingminimalist.com
Aisha Beau shares A Beginner's Guide to Giving Yourself Permission found on the shineapp.com
MARELISA inspires us with 50 Things to Give Yourself Permission For, found at daringtolivefully.com
Dr. Patricia Harteneck leaves us with 7 Ways to Get Yourself Unstuck found at psychologytoday.com
CHALLENGE: don’t live with past regrets. Look for the lesson, forgive, and give yourself permission to move forward. The best is yet to come.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Inspiring Interviews: Mariah, a Heart for the Hurting
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
On this show…we are examining our experiences to find positive fuel that will propel us forward instead of painful memories that will hold us back. Do you feel stuck, limited by your circumstances, unsure of how to let go, learn, and move forward? We’ve all been there and may be struggling in that place today. Mariah is here to share her story and her light with us. I hope you’ll share it with others. Your past does not define you, it isn’t the end of your story but the beginning. No matter what you’re dealing with you will be inspired by Mariah, a Heart for the Hurting.
Have you ever had a “good idea”? You know that thing that sounds fun, creative, meaningful, profitable, passionate…that inspiring idea. What did you do with it? Do you still have it or did you talk yourself out of acting on it? Maybe it was a fun idea or business venture but perhaps it was your purpose and passion. Maybe, it’s still burning in you begging you to bring it to life.
What is holding you back?
“Let your ideas and thoughts give you inspiration. All creativity comes from your imagination - you first imagine and then you create.” ~Catherine Pulsifer
Meet Mariah. A beautiful soul who was challenged, shaped and then motivated to make a meaningful impact through her experiences.
Over at minihabits.com I found How Your Past Is The Best Source Of Inspiration
Tony Fahkry leaves us with 5 Ways To Find Inspiration In Your Daily Life found at medium.com
CHALLENGE: examine your past as a source of inspiration. Use experiences that molded and shaped you to carve out a new path of purpose.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Refusing to Give Up; Another Try, Another Chance
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
On this show…we are making a commitment to ourselves to give it another try and another chance. No quick throw of the towel here. If you’re tired of always starting over, changing courses, sacrificing your dreams, and just feeling like you can never win, then keep listening. We’re making a bold statement today and refusing to give up…that easy. How many times do you have a great idea, excited, and anxious to get going then days, weeks, or months later, you’ve second guessed yourself, talked yourself out of it, and given up the idea? All the time.
95% of new products fail. And 90% of startup companies never make it. That's not for a lack of ideas. It's a lack of execution: the same reason why people dream of writing a novel, crafting a piece of music, or learning a new language — but never actually do it. It starts with making a commitment to yourself because you, and you can keep going when they say it’s impossible. The next thing we’ll explore is motivation and tenacity, this idea of one more try and one more chance. And last but not to be forgotten, how to get back in there when the motivation just isn’t there.
Oh, the ideas I’ve had over the years. I was a child entrepreneur, starting my own business when I was 7 or 8. Now, when I say business I mean creating a product and trying to sell it. I don’t want you trying to look up some publicly traded stock by a child protege. My first business was easter flowers by the bunch. My second business was gently used children’s toys from my room. Then there was an attempt at a pretzel stand among many others. Just so you know, I am not selling pretzels today. Refusing to give up isn’t meant to keep you pushing a square peg into a round hole. Giving in to an idea that isn’t ready, isn’t sustainable, or honestly, just wrong is ok. It gives you time back to modify and re-engineer your idea or your approach.
We’re focusing on those times we just didn’t give it our all. Why and why not?
Jennifer Houston helps us with 6 Powerful Reasons to Refuse to Give Up found at womanitely.com
Don Miguel Ruiz helps us understand why yo DON’T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS found at thefouragreements.com
Don Miguel Ruiz Stop Trying to Read Other People's Minds | found on the SuperSoul Sunday Youtube channel
Over at thesitsgirl.com I found this inspiring message Before You Give Up
CHALLENGE: make a commitment to yourself to give it one more try and one more chance before you throw in the towel. You have more resolve than you think and taking time to find a way forward is worth it!
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Holding Firm and Pushing Your Own Boundaries
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
On this show…we are defining our threshold and challenging our limiting beliefs as we set boundaries we intend to hold firm and those we aspire to push. Boundaries help us move through life with protection while providing a safe way to measure our growth. It just might be time to outgrow your current position and move forward! This exercise isn’t meant to box you in or make you feel trapped. Boundaries are evolutionary and when you feel ready, can shape-shift to meet your next trial. The goal we are setting for this topic is ownership. You own the next move instead of letting your circumstance, own you.
Have you ever uttered the words, “I don’t know, it just happened?” Have you ever felt like you are just following life and jumping hurdles when prompted? Do you feel like life is leading you? If you’re shaking your head and you’ve been pushed, pulled, prodded, devalued, overlooked, belittled, controlled……(do you want me to keep going) KEEP LISTENING.
Healthy boundaries are personal and a form of self-care. It helps to create clear guidelines/rules/limits of how you would like to be treated. So many times we expect people to treat us the way we want to be treated but yet we never communicate what that looks like. We keep this and all the ways we’ve been threatened, swirling around in our heads making us more vulnerable instead of stronger. Communicating your boundaries is a crucial step and one we will dive into. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves AND before we can look at pushing said boundaries, we need to first identify where we need to establish our first boundary.
Over at loveselfcare.com I found some ideas on Pushing Past Your Limits – When and Why to Do It
CHALLENGE: create boundaries that help protect you as you self-reflect and self-nurture but then expand and push past boundaries, testing self-limiting thoughts to experience true growth.
I Know YOU Can Do It!