
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Listening to Your Gut and Following Your Heart
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
On this show…we’re turning down the volume of outside influences, past mistakes, and limiting beliefs to turn inward as we listen to our gut and follow our heart. Do you feel pushed, pulled, and prodded not really sure what to believe or how to feel? When is the last time you checked in with your own thoughts? That’s right, you have them, and on a gut level, you know what sits right with you and what causes you to pause or shut down. So many times we ignore how we think and feel or worse, never even give ourselves the consideration that we might even have an opinion. We’re quick to jump into the mainstream and adopt what we think we hear and believe to be the popular opinion. Because why? To belong, to feel a part of something, to align versus being out of alignment. Maybe your own personal opinion is the popular one and maybe it’s not. Let’s check with ourselves to see.
Some might say I live in a bubble but I see it differently. Check….I’ve reached the first checkpoint, considering how I see it. I have spent a good amount of time on self-reflection along this journey to self discovery. One of the first things I learned is that I didn’t always value my own thoughts and opinions and was quick to morph to fit in. It took some effort to untangle this web of patterns to see what was truly authentic and what was contrived. I have also had the luxury of age. Yep…I said it. I may not always refer to aging as a luxury but in cases of self-awareness and from an experiential context, it’s the best. There is this bizarre switch that flips where as you start figuring things out you start caring less about what others think. I’m not referring to giving up and not caring, I’m talking about not letting self-doubt and the potential criticism of others creep in. It’s beautiful. Now the icing would be if the physical deterioration would instead follow the path of mental enlightenment…oh well.
Karen Young offers 9 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition (And Why You’ll Want To) found at heysigmun.com
CHALLENGE: book time to check in with yourself; heart, mind, and gut to understand and embrace your own ideas, thoughts, and opinions. You matter and getting in touch with who you are will help you uncover your authentic self.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Riding the Waves of Constant Change
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
On this show…we’re focused on finding balance, being flexible, and quick to pivot to secure footing as we strive to ride the ways of constant change. You’ve heard it before, “the only thing consistent, is change”. It feels like every era and generation have claimed the same. Some change is good, necessary, and timely. Some change happens without warning or reason. Sometimes we’re making the change, necessary or impulsive, and other times it's change we neither asked for nor wanted. Why all the changes?
Socrates said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”. Well, the secret isn’t always so plain and obvious or EASY. How do you embrace change? Or maybe I should ask, are you able to easily embrace change or is rejection your go-to? Let’s talk about this subject and look at change from several angles; why, why now, how to roll with the punches, and even how to be satisfied with gratitude and acceptance.
When I look at change, professionally and personally, I see vast differences and then some similarities and patterns. Professionally, I work in technology so change is a must and basically out of our control. Dog years is multiplying their age by seven. A 10-year-old dog is roughly the same “age” as a 70-year-old person. A technology year can be more like 20 human years; your 3-year-old computer could be more like a 60-year-old person. Think about software companies and the pressure to stay current. Like a Rock Star trying to stay on top with another hit record. Companies who sell technology are feeling the same pressure, to stay relevant, capture more of the market, pay back investors…GO GO GO!
Personally, I would like to say I’m a creature of habit, however, if you talk to my family or friends they would say I’m constantly evolving. I do like a good routine though. I find comfort in the familiar and predictable. As much as I like adventure, I enjoy some elements of predictability.
CHALLENGE: embrace change, whether you’re currently consumed by it or you are desperately seeking it. Steady yourself and take control so you’re riding the wave vs being pulled under.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Honoring History and Leaving a Legacy
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
On this show…we’re committing to learning from the past, giving honor to the experiences that shaped all of us, and leaning into the legacy we want to leave. We have a tendency to gloss over, rewrite, or try and forget the past or what no longer serves us. A past that might be tainted with mistakes and failures. It’s easier to remember the good stuff than to relive the struggle but where is the learning? What happens if we forget without forgiving? We are all on a journey with good intentions, goals, and dreams but we’re also evolving. We are and those that came before us did too. How many times can you look back over your short life span and say, “Oh if I knew then what I know now…”? Think about hundreds of years. If they only knew then what we know now. But that isn’t how life works, that’s not how progress is made, and how evolution unfolds. So they or maybe you, missed the mark. Are you supposed to forget it happened or the impact it made good or bad? Erase it and start from here? We will all fall, make choices we regret, and steer our lives in and out of progress more than once along our journey. A legacy is the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life. Cumulative not the punchline or moral of the story.
So today, looking over your body of work, what legacy are you leaving? What past events, good or bad, have shaped the person you are now? What struggle in your life can you honor and be grateful for?
On the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s website I found Why should you study history?
On fs.blog I found We Are What We Remember
Jasmine Tanguay shares Ways to Leave a Meaningful, Lasting Legacy found at joincake.com
CHALLENGE: never forget what got you here. The good, bad, and the ugly. What you conquered gave you the momentum to carve a unique path forward for yourself. Take time to share your lessons as you lean into leaving a meaningful legacy.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday May 22, 2023
Finding Common Ground, Seeking to Understand
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
On this show…we’re going to seek to understand; putting aside our biases, limiting beliefs, and exploring our experiences to find common ground. Initial judgment is tough to overcome since part of it is built in for protection. What happens next is really up to you. How willing are you to open your mind and heart and explore a person to find common ground? Is it easier for you to live behind your protective wall of preconceived assumptions? Sometimes it is but it won’t serve you in the long run. Oh, the joy you are missing out on not to mention, the learning, expansion of ideas, and the adoption of new and exciting concepts. Don’t worry, there is time to turn it around and re-commit to re-examining your parameters. Let’s find out where those thoughts come from as we seek to understand.
I would consider myself a very open, trusting, and flexible person yet I too find myself judging people harshly and unfairly. It’s easy to create lanes or categories for the people you meet and force them into these before you truly understand the person, what they stand for, and what their intentions are. “Oh I like this person, we’re going to get along great.” “Hmmm I’m on the fence, I’m not sure we’re going to get along” and how about the category…NO WAY! How quickly do you come to that conclusion? Could we all do a little better? Ok good…can we all commit here and now to see to understand?
CHALLENGE: be slow to discount the importance and relevance of the connections you make. Take the time to explore your biases and judgments as you uncover and overcome your own limiting beliefs. Strive to be a connection others want to make.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Monday May 15, 2023
Confronting Confrontation, Finding Your Voice
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
On this show…we are hanging in there, standing tall, and finding our voice as we confront confrontation. Generally, when asked, most people don’t seek out or enjoy confrontation and yet it can be a part of our everyday lives to some degree. Definition: a face-to-face meeting. a confrontation between the suspect and the victim. : the clashing of forces or ideas: conflict. a violent confrontation between rival gangs. : comparison. As you can see, there are varying degrees, and some are as simple as finding your voice in a tense or disagreeable situation. What is your level of comfort? And a follow-up question…are you already getting anxious about even talking about confrontation? We’ll look at a number of degrees as we search for an understanding and possible technique that will make these moments, stages, and phases of our lives, more agreeable.
I don’t like it. No varying degrees there. Well actually, I’m more comfortable with professional confrontation than personal. Professionally, I have a strong opinion. I mean when it comes to my skill set I’m confident since I’ve been honing my crafts for decades so when confronted, I am more sure of myself if the need arises to push back. Personally, it’s a different story. You would think I’ve had decades and decades…um decades…and uh decades to get comfortable there too but there is still this little girl inside of me who wants to be liked and accepted. I don’t like to hurt people's feelings or be disagreeable so I tend to flex and bend even when I don’t want to. Sound familiar? I like you, am a work in progress.
At success.com found I found 11 (More) Ways to Handle Confrontation
CHALLENGE: don’t shy away from an uncomfortable situation but use it as a way to learn more about yourself, gather a deeper understanding of others, and as a chance to find your voice.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Who’s Watching? Taking Personal Responsibility
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
On this show…we are stepping up, doing the work, recognizing our role, and taking personal responsibility. Regardless of who’s watching, first and foremost, we’re accountable to ourselves. Ever try and get one over on yourself? Maybe you’re the most gullible when you’re selling yourself, justifying your actions, and glamorizing the situation. I mean really, who’s watching? YOU and you count, possibly more than anyone. How can we start taking responsibility without all the shame and guilt? Forgiveness. But this only happens with acceptance. Looks like we have a lot to unpack and a process to follow, so let’s get started.
Where are you when it comes to personal responsibility? It’s actually a whole thing.
I think it was easier to take responsibility when I got a little older and wiser. I can remember a time when I played the blame game and considered myself mostly in the right. There was also that period I was convinced everything would work out perfectly if people would just do as I told them…yeah seriously! I’ve grown. But when I finally had enough experience under my belt and I could take a step back to look at a larger body of work (my life) I could start to see patterns. Hurts and habits that had a way of repeating themselves. The only common denominator was me so it was pretty apparent. In order to move past that revelation, I had to take responsibility for my own actions and the role I played. A bitter pill, sometimes, but the critical learning made it easier to swallow.
At masterclass.com I found a plan, Personal Responsibility: How to Develop Personal Responsibility
Sara Lindberg helps us with How to Forgive Yourself found at healthline.com
Please remember:
- Be patient with yourself
- You only know what you know
- Be curious for the why but accepting of the unanswered questions
- Be flexible, you can pivot anytime you want
- Own it, no one can write the same story the or the same ending
- Share with others, your story might be just what someone needs to get them through their struggle
- Take your time, Rome wasn’t built in a day
- Don’t be afraid, being willing to take the next step is the hardest part.
- Be Kind, with yourself and others.
- Forgive yourself and others and detach with love when it makes the most sense
CHALLENGE: exchange your burdens for freedom with personal responsibility and forgiveness. Create healthy boundaries as you learn more about your capacity and need for self-care.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Prevailing Perseverance When Your Tank is Empty
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
On this show…we’re going to coast down the decline while we gain momentum for the upcoming hills, pushing it one more mile at a time. Sometimes, quitting is not an option but how do you find prevailing perseverance when your tank is empty? One moment at a time, that’s how. Even when you think you’ve come to the end of your road and have hit a dead end, you have more to give than you think is humanly possible. But always pushing past your limits is not the goal. In everything, personal and professional, we are striving for a healthy balance. The word balance may just be a word you’ve heard but you’re not really sure how it fits into your life…like the words self-care or relaxation. You might think those words are only entertained when everything else is done. That my friend would be the opposite of balance, imbalance.
So let’s dig in to these ideas of perseverance, balance, and filling your tank.
I love to be busy. I have an expanded capacity to take on more, juggle multiple things, and get things done. I hear it over and over from people who observe my life “Wow, how could you possibly take on one more thing”, “Where do you find the time”, “Do you ever sit down?”. I also don’t recognize when I’m overwhelmed until I’m in crisis mode. Everyone deals with those feelings in different ways. You might scream, having feelings of anxiety, be nervous, and worry….I shut it out and do nothing. Haha the good thing is I don’t stew over it or worry. The con is, I’m not getting it done because I switch to cruise control and sit back and relax. So knowing this about myself, I try and stay in that balanced state where I’m busy but not overwhelmed. Remember when Scarlet Ohara said, “I won’t think about that today, I’ll think about that tomorrow.” Yep, that’s overwhelmed for me.
What about you?
Karen Nimmo helps us with 7 Things to Do When Your Tank Is Empty
Over at medium.com I also found some great insight on Giving & Receiving: Finding The Right Balance
CHALLENGE: one more mile, one more try, one more time. You have more effort available than you’ve recognized. Prevailing perseverance will propel you to navigate any challenge, delivering valuable learning along the way.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
You Deserve Another Go
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
On this show…we are taking another stab at it, digging in to see what went wrong and how we can re-engineer our approach, modify our goal, or clarify our vision. Because YOU deserve another go! How many home runs and hole-in-ones have you had in your life? Can you count them on one hand or are you right now, holding back a chuckle thinking “Yeah right!”? Well if you’re tired of the hammer hitting everything but the nail on the head, hold tight. Let’s step back for a minute. Are you worth figuring this out? Unlocking the door to possibilities? You bet you are. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and an alternative perception. You got this!
Not ready to release the rally cry? Keep listening…
At the processprogramming.com I was inspired by YOU DESERVE TO TRY they have a podcast @liveperformcompete
Kobe Bryant's Greatest Speech | BEST Motivation Ever
CHALLENGE: don’t give up too soon. Make this attempt personal, striving for your unique why. As you give, be open to receiving for a healthy balance because you deserve another go.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Inspiring Interviews: Erica, Share as You Grow
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
On this show…we will be inspired by learning, and growth, hitting milestones, and reaching new heights. Our guest is living her best life and sharing her findings as she finds them. What a powerful tool she possesses. A burning curiosity and a platform to inspire others with her newly obtained knowledge. Are you wondering what’s next in your life? Do you have dreams and passions but aren’t sure where to start or how to take the first step?
I want you to meet Erica…
Audio interview with Erica Parrin
CHALLENGE: never stop exploring and learning. Your ideas and passions can take you on a wonderful journey when you let them lead. Take others along for the ride by sharing as you grow.
I Know YOU Can Do It!

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Staying Engaged to Avoid Burnout
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
On this show…we are looking for the warning signs, taking inventory of our discontent, and listening to our internal struggles to avoid burnout and stay engaged. Whether you are feeling frazzled in the moment or downright over it either professionally or personally, wait…take a step back, a big breathe, nw let it out. We’ve got time to re-engage with a re-engineered approach. You might need a new pair of eyes on the situation. Those could be yours after you’ve had a chance to unpack some of your frustration or you could invite in a third party opinion. Being so stuck in a routine or too up close and personal could be preventing you from finding your way out.
We’ve all gotten stuck in the mundane at some point in our life. No matter what path you take, you will encounter ruts that need special attention. Sometimes routine and predictability can be comforting and just what you need and other times in your life it could push you over the edge -UGH life please give me more!
You’re answer might be a radical shift like an alternative location, new friends, or a different career but it also might be a new attitude. Looking at the same situation with a different lens and a new lease on life.
Lucy Foulkes tells us How to engage with life when you feel down found at psyche.co
CHALLENGE: take a step back to evaluate the source of your frustration. Clear a space to think, dream, and re engage. You have the ability to reconnect in a more meaningful way.
I Know YOU Can Do It!